Episode 67: Hasbro and Board Games

***ATTENTION*** We interrupt the impending apocalypse to bring you the following  movie and game reviews:

Battleship (no spoilers)
1812: The Invasion of Canada
Discworld: Ankh-Morpork
Lords of Waterdeep
Neuroshima Hex

The Resistance
Wrath of Ashardalon


Episode 59: Campaign Confessions: Marvel Heroic Roleplaying

Another Idle Reds Hands first, TRUE BELIEVERS! We review a game, Marvel Heroic Roleplaying: Basic Game, in the same year that it is released.
LISTEN TO: The elusive Visible Woman!
LISTEN TO: The Human Torch vs. Count “Doctor” Nefaria!  Only one will survive! Only one will be called by his correct name!
PLUS: The return of Yujiro the Sleepy!


Episode 57: Narrative Structure

Is Savage Worlds better than Marvel Heroic Roleplaying: Basic Game?

[Three sentences before.]
In this episode, we discuss narrative techniques from movies and novels that you can use to make your games more fun. We look at in media res, flashbacks, flash forwards, flash sideways, epistolary novels, and reverse chronology. We also offer advice for new gamemasters, including which games are good to start with. Is Savage Worlds better than Marvel Heroic Roleplaying: Basic Game?


Episode 21: Elevator Pitch

When Hollywood runs out of Saturday morning cartoons to make into movies, we suggest a new source for shaky ideas: pen and paper roleplaying games. (Because, really, The Smurfs?)

In this episode, we discuss the few RPG movies out there, and then we pitch our own ideas for RPG movies.
