Episode 5: Identity Crisis!

Episode 5 takes a look at playing different ethnicities, cultures and genders than your own. We discuss what we consider important in creating, playing, and GMing very different characters. Even if, apparently, all of Lyal’s characters are sarcastic, all of Chris’ are Scottish, and Wayne’s are accidentally bi.

We also touch on the use of voices, playing non-humans (slightly), and the current competition for top-sexy.

Thank you to everyone who’s offered feedback and comments here, on facebook, and by email! We love affirmation!


Episode 4: Campaign Confessions: Hindsight is d20/20 Part 2

In part two of the D&D 4e Campaign Confessions, we talk about what we liked and didn’t like about Chris’ Red Hands campaign. Fight! Actually, not really. Chris just quietly takes the criticism. Wayne says it’s because Chris is so easygoing. Lyal says it’s because Chris is a time bomb. You be the judge.

We touch on the use of flashbacks, what makes for a good villain, and character death.

Yujiro and Tom join us again.


Episode 3: Campaign Confessions: Hindsight is d20/20 Part 1

Yujiro is back! Welcome to our other guest host, Tom!

Campaign Confessions are episodes where we look at one of the campaigns we are playing. The first part focuses on the game system (and possibly setting), and the second part focuses on the actual story.

In our first episode of Campaign Confessions, we look at the game run by Chris: D&D 4e. We’re a little late to the party, we know. We blame the time difference between Japan and North America, which I believe is 12 hours and 18 months. Don’t tell us who won last year’s Stanley Cup, please.

About halfway through Lyal’s tangent on the Star Wars toys he owned as a kid, you’ll wonder how boring Wayne’s Toys ‘R’ Us tangent must have been to have been cut from episode 0.
