Episode 137: Review: The God-Machine Chronicle Part 1

This is how you do edition rage, Internet: you don’t.

In this episode, World of Darkness superfans Wayne and Lyal review The God-Machine Chronicle, which includes the World of Darkness rules update. Chris also claims to be a fan. Yet, he can never remember the rules, and when it comes time to record the episode, his daughter gets “sick”.

This turned out to be a really long episode, so we broke it into two parts. This part covers most of the character rules. The “story” rules (e.g., combat) and the setting will be discussed in Part 2.


Episode 136: Warriors: French Foreign Legion

“We can certainly risk a few Legionnaires for France. After all, they are mostly foreigners.”
March or Die

Those that make jokes about the French’s inability to fight forget the elite, battle-hardened French Foreign Legion. This collection of Germans, Eastern Europeans, Latin Americans … aaaaand that doesn’t help. Never mind.
In this installment of warriors, we look at the French Foreign Legion, a gang of murderers, rapists, and thieves, until Interpol stepped in with background checks. Now, it’s home to alimony-escaping ex-spouses, the unemployed, and probably still thieves (at least Interpol left us with that one).
