Episode 181: Rogues: Burglary

“We all have a little burglar inside us.”
– Chris

In this installment of Rogues, we discuss burglary: how to do it and how to stop it. While we may make it sound easy, it’s best to leave actual burglary to the professionals.


Episode 166: Rogues: Blackmail

“Why would I pay you $100,000?”
“Because if you don’t, the world will know what’s in your … closet.”
“So? I’ve been out of the closet for years.”
“That’s not the closet I was referring to, Brenyax Windwalker the LARPer.”

In this installment of Rogues, Wayne and Lyal discuss blackmail, which is surprisingly still around in this age of the overshare.


Episode 154: Rogues: Fixer

The Wayne Notes for this episode:
What: bribery, blackmail, cleaning, intimidation
Who: fixers
Why: usually money
How: by being mean or by being nice
Listen to the episode if you’d like to hear the unabridged version of our discussion on fixers, the people who make problems go away. Things left out of Wayne’s abridged version include our discussion of D&D 5e, Chris’s shaky grasp of how the legal system works, and the debate on what every fashionable fixer should wear.

Episode 133: Rogues: Smugglers

In this installment of Rogues, we discuss the criminal underworld’s UPS drivers: smugglers. But you won’t see Harrison Ford, Johnny Depp, Nathan Fillion and Pam Grier caught dead in any unflattering brown uniforms. Or that van. And they probably would never ask anyone to sign for a package. Okay, the analogy is breaking down.


Episode 107: Rogues: Hackers

In this installment of Rogues, we discuss hackers and…

****Buy Jordans for cheap at www.wouldyoureallyclickthissite.com.****


****I always prided myself on being an outsider… but now… I feel the need to connect with someone.****

****All your base are belong to us.****


Episode 76: Rogues: Black Marketeers

“In the criminal Idle Red Hands system, Rogues will be separated into two separate yet equally important groups: the crimes and the people who commit them. These are their stories.”

The month of debuts gets another debut! This time, it’s Rogues, a look at criminals and the crimes they commit. We look at the proud noble tradition of deal dealers, gunrunners and pimps (and those guys that sold jeans and Beatles records in the Soviet Union). Believe it or not, we actually suggest how to play black marketeers. Chris tries to cheat by recommending a “black” marketeer who provides food to the starving, but Wayne and Lyal put a stop to that nonsense.
