Movie Mining: Logan & Aging

“Nature made me a freak. Man made me a weapon. And God made it last too long.”
Logan, Logan

“This is what life looks like…”
Professor X, Logan

In this installment of Movie Mining, where we mine movies for RPG ideas, we review the 2017 film Logan and discuss what lessons we learned on how to play older characters in your RPG campaigns. We also talk about the Old Man Logan comic series where the movie drew inspiration. So, if you’re wondering how can you balance the benefit of long experience with the physical ravages of time to create a deep and interesting player character or NPC, find out in our review, bub. Snikt!


Episode 162: Inclusiveness

A female Thor! A black Captain America! A straight Constantine! This episode has it all true believers, except Asians. Would an Asian Hulk get mentioned on the View?

In this episode, we discuss the recent examples of inclusiveness in comic books and games as well as whether or not you should try to make your games more inclusive. Like everyone else, we forget that Captain Marvel, a black woman, led the Avengers in the eighties and that the previous leader had been Wasp, another woman. Lyal even had those issues.

The article by we mention by neongrey titled D&D, Inclusivity, and Why I’m not Buying the New Edition can be found at the link above.

Note: Due to work and technical issues, our next upload will be Aug. 2.


Episode 41: Cartoons

Idle Red H.A.N.D.S. (Hero Action and Network Defense Squad) is the code name for Japan’s daring, highly trained special mission force. Its purpose: to defend gamer freedom against the Active Blue T.O.E.s (Terrorist Organization of Evil), a ruthless terrorist organization of, uh, evil determined to rule the Internet.

In this episode, the Idle Red H.A.N.D.S. discuss the cartoons they watched as kids and which elements they could use in their games. Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.

Correction: The name of the Visionary Darkling Lord discussed is Cravex, not Craven. Who knew that a cartoon could be so subtle?
