Episode 119: Endings

“You know, the only thing that matters is the ending. It’s the most important part of the story.”
—Mort, Secret Window

So, why leave it up to your players? Kidding.

In this Waynelss episode, Chris and Lyal discuss the different types of endings you can have in your game. This episode seems better than usual for some reason. We can’t figure it out, though.


Episode 107: Rogues: Hackers

In this installment of Rogues, we discuss hackers and…

****Buy Jordans for cheap at www.wouldyoureallyclickthissite.com.****


****I always prided myself on being an outsider… but now… I feel the need to connect with someone.****

****All your base are belong to us.****


Episode 93: Antiheroes

“In the roar of an engine, he lost everything. And became a shell of a man, a burnt out, desolate man, a man haunted by the demons of his past, a man who wandered out into the wasteland.”
– The Road Warrior

The selfish rogues, the emotional voids, the cold-blooded killers. These are the antiheroes of literature, TV and the movies. We’ve all played these characters at some point or another, but are we doing it right? Listen up to find out.


Episode 91: Interview: Emergence RPG

In our first interview episode, we talk to Tony and Faon Grandinetti, two members of the creative team behind Emergence, a fantasy and SF RPG on Kickstarter. This may be the first game spawned in traffic.

You can find Emergence on Kickstarter, and make sure to check out the Emergence website for more information on the world of Kython. 

Oh, Lyal! Lyal messed up the audio. Apologies if it doesn’t sound crystal clear.


Episode 76: Rogues: Black Marketeers

“In the criminal Idle Red Hands system, Rogues will be separated into two separate yet equally important groups: the crimes and the people who commit them. These are their stories.”

The month of debuts gets another debut! This time, it’s Rogues, a look at criminals and the crimes they commit. We look at the proud noble tradition of deal dealers, gunrunners and pimps (and those guys that sold jeans and Beatles records in the Soviet Union). Believe it or not, we actually suggest how to play black marketeers. Chris tries to cheat by recommending a “black” marketeer who provides food to the starving, but Wayne and Lyal put a stop to that nonsense.


Episode 58: Creature Feature: Bankers

The only thing too big to fail is a dragon, and if we had dragon bankers, we bet people wouldn’t be so keen to Occupy Wall Street. You want to pass on this episode? Passing’s for quarterbacks, and I don’t see a number on your back. So, listen up and join the 1%.

Also, a review of Descent: Journeys in the Dark.
