Episode 164: Warriors: Longbowmen

“A long bow and a strong bow,
And let the sky grow dark.
The nock to the cord, the shaft to the ear,
And a foreign king for a mark!”
– Robert E. Howard

In this installment of Warriors, we discuss the English longbowmen and Welsh lngbwmn (probable spelling). Listen to learn how surprisingly easy it is to make a longbow, according to Chris, and how to safely remove an arrow, according to Lyal.

This is another Wayneless episode. He refused to participate in protest over our refusal name this episode “longbowpeople”.



Episode 152: Undercover

State Trooper: Hey, Doc! We’re looking for a prisoner from that bus-train wreck a couple of hours ago, might be hurt.
Dr. Richard Kimble: Uh, what does he look like?
State Trooper: 6’1, 180, brown hair, brown eyes, beard. See anyone like that around?
Dr. Richard Kimble: Every time I look in the mirror, pal – except for the beard, of course!
State Trooper: Now that you mention it, you do look a lot like him, minus the beard, of course. But that’s easy to shave. Come with me, Dr. Kimble.
The Fugitive‘s original 30-minute running time didn’t screen well with test audiences.

In this episode, we discuss going undercover and the different types of stories you can tell. We also suggest a mechanic for establishing a cover that can be used for multiple systems.

This episode contains no Chris. Listener discretion is advised.


Episode 151: Alignment

In this episode, Chris and Wayne discuss Alexander Macris’s article “All about Alignment” and whether or not there’s still value in having morality systems. However, with all their talk about trickle down and bad neighbourhoods, you’d think they were running for Congress on a Republican ticket.


Episode 92: Movie Genres: Horror

In our last installment of 2012’s Month of Horror, which we missed by six days, we discuss horror movies. Joining us for the discussion is horror movie aficionado (and massive movie spoiler) Josh.
For those hoping to have the first 90 minutes of the 95-minute The Cabin in the Woods explained to them, I’m afraid we cut it out. I guess you’ll have to learn the plot the old-fashioned way: watch it yourself. Fortunately, Lyal, Chris and Wayne don’t have to now. Thanks, Josh.
