Episode 133: Rogues: Smugglers

In this installment of Rogues, we discuss the criminal underworld’s UPS drivers: smugglers. But you won’t see Harrison Ford, Johnny Depp, Nathan Fillion and Pam Grier caught dead in any unflattering brown uniforms. Or that van. And they probably would never ask anyone to sign for a package. Okay, the analogy is breaking down.


Episode 108: Marvel Heroic Roleplaying Civil War

Marvel Heroic Roleplaying Civil War! Listener mail! Bosozoku! Soft prostitution! (?) This episode has it all.

We review the Civil War event book. We also answer a listener’s email about a game of vampires, secret agents and bosozuku set in Tokyo. During this discussion, Chris explains what “soft” prostitution is, which Lyal believes is still illegal.


