Episode 137: Review: The God-Machine Chronicle Part 1

This is how you do edition rage, Internet: you don’t.

In this episode, World of Darkness superfans Wayne and Lyal review The God-Machine Chronicle, which includes the World of Darkness rules update. Chris also claims to be a fan. Yet, he can never remember the rules, and when it comes time to record the episode, his daughter gets “sick”.

This turned out to be a really long episode, so we broke it into two parts. This part covers most of the character rules. The “story” rules (e.g., combat) and the setting will be discussed in Part 2.


Episode 88: Creature Feature: Ghosts

We kick off our second annual Month of Horror with a look at ghosts. We examine some common themes and discuss how to use them as antagonists and protagonists. We also discover that any reality TV show can be made better by adding ghosts.

Lyal attempts some scary breathing this episode (I guess that’s what he was doing). We’ll get him to mute the microphone next time. While Lyal’s doing this, Chris and Wayne seem to forget that this is the Month of Horror.
