Episode 87: Warriors: Flying Aces

“Forever young, I want to be forever young.
Do you really want to live forever, forever, forever?”

– “Forever Young”, Alphaville

Assail your opponent from behind, only fire at close range, and always, always keep the sun behind you. In this installment of Warriors, we talk about l’as, the star-turn, der uberkanonen, the flying ace.


Episode 82: Warriors: Condottieri

Because our listeners demanded it: condottieri! Actually, it was only was one listener, and he really just casually mentioned it.

In this edition of Warriors, we talk about mercenaries and free companies. Money can’t buy happiness, but it sure buys everything else worth having. Live free and die hard.


Episode 71: Warriors: Stormtroopers

“O la vittoria, o tutti accoppati.”
– Arditi motto
We either win, or we all die, eh?”
– Canadian version (Often used by the Olympic hockey team)

In this installment of Warriors, we look at the original stormtroopers, the German Stosstruppen of World War I. But that’s not all! Download now and we’ll throw in the Italian Arditi. Wait! For a limited time, we’ll include the Canadian Expeditionary Force, arguably the even more original stormtroopers, with all listens of $0 or more. Beauty, eh?

Plus: Our first D&D Next Diary (DNDND) entry.


Episode 62: Warriors: Legionaries

“Cry ‘Havoc!’ and let slip the dogs of war!”
– William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar

We don’t let slip dogs, however. We let slip men, manly men, men’s men. Roman men whose virtus strained against the chains of disciplina. Men who could march all day and then spend three hours setting up camp, until their short, sweaty tunics clung to their broad shoulders and powerful backs. Men with thick, stubby fingers and stocky bodies covered in coarse, black hair. (Hmmm, this shouldn’t be turning me on, should it?)

In this installment of Warriors, we answer the age-old question of “Who da man?”


Episode 60: Warriors: Vikings

“A man can carry no better load than too much good sense, and no worse one than yo’ mama.” – Viking proverb (kind of)

Straight outta Oslo, crazy Viking warrior named Brand,
From the podcast called Erik Red Hands.
Before anthrax, there’s my scramasax,
Swing the iron and bodies get axed.

In the second in our Warriors series, we bring the fury of the Norsemen to any game. Act bravely and the skalds will sing of your deeds forever.


Episode 55: Warriors: Hoplites

This. Is. Kansai!
In this episode, we debut the first in our Warriors series. This series will take a warrior type from history and discuss key elements that you can use to make any character in any game setting a little more alive. First up, Hoplites. Are you ready to make your character worthy to stand with swift-footed Achilles and the cunning Odysseus?
