Episode 188: Creature Feature: Goblins

“I’m just a simple goblin. Do you know we don’t have a word for ‘family’ or ‘love’? Suffice to say, I don’t really understand your attachment to the small humans. I have noticed, however, that most of you will do whatever it takes to prevent … misfortune befalling your wee ones. Goblins also don’t have a word for ‘regret,’ but I know you do. Think about the regrets you’ll have if you don’t take my offer.”
-“Glassy” Salo, bootlegger, racketeer, businessman, goblin

In this installment of Creature Features, we look at the lowly goblin. Will you play them as tiny fodder, as roguish antiheroes, or as unchecked capitalists?


Episode 151: Alignment

In this episode, Chris and Wayne discuss Alexander Macris’s article “All about Alignment” and whether or not there’s still value in having morality systems. However, with all their talk about trickle down and bad neighbourhoods, you’d think they were running for Congress on a Republican ticket.


Episode 103: Prequels

Peter Parker before being bitten by a radioactive spider, the first 33 years of Frodo Baggins’ life, moisture farming on Tatooine. Aren’t these the stories that we should be telling?

In this episode, we discuss the benefits and drawbacks of running a prequel and the different ways that you can do so.


Episode 19: Making History

Oscar Wilde once said, “(A)ny fool can make history, but it takes a genius to podcast about it.” At least, he would have said that if he’d listened to this episode (and had known what a podcast was).

In this episode, we look at how to give your setting a history and a background by using names, prejudices, quotes, forgotten monuments and other tricks.

Wayne reveals a trick of his own when he uses his precognition to critique Lyal’s points before Lyal actually makes them.
